Conference Construction and repair of wells

9 February 2024

Conference Construction and repair of wells

On February 7-8, a technical industry conference Construction and repair of wells in Russia. Industry challengers ‘2024 was held in Moscow.

The conference is of a working nature and is aimed at discussing the best practices of the technological potential of work in the field of construction, reconstruction and repair of wells, taking into account new industry challenges. Over two days of discussion, issues of corporate strategies of mining companies in terms of construction and repair of wells, interaction with service and contracting organizations were considered. One of the goals of the event is to discuss the use of Russian equipment, materials and oilfield chemistry in a critically important segment for the industry. The event participants exchanged experience in introducing new technologies, replacing Western equipment, developing and implementing domestic technologies and technical solutions within the framework of the identified topics.

Anatoly Kobyakov, project manager for well killing at JSC Polyex, presented his report “Innovative technologies and reagents for killing wells, including in difficult conditions” at session 4 “Chemical solutions”.

Polyex expresses its gratitude to the organizers and participants of the conference for the fruitful cooperation.

