Fiber extender EXTELINT®

Fiber extender EXTELINT®

TU 20.59.59-116-53501222-2017

EXTELINT® is an inert to formation rocks and formation fluids fiber extender, which is completely degradable and which allows to decrease significantly the viscosity and blocking ability of flow-diverting compositions.

It is meant for temporary blocking of high permeability intervals and fluid loss control in pay zones of the formation during both well drilling and repair and maintenance works. The product is degradable fibers, which provide temporary and reversible decreasing of permeability in fractured carbonate reservoirs that allows to control fluid loss in the bottom-hole formation zone. EXTELINT® is compatible with all types of brines used for the preparing of muds and blocking compositions, compatible with production and formation waters, acidic compositions and formation fluids.

EXTELINT® is organic acid polymer fibers.

Controlled degradation of EXTELINT® could take from 24 hours to 2-3 moths depending on the application temperatures.

Application area

  • Flow diverting during acid stimulation of production wells with high water cut.
  • Temporary blocking of high permeability intervals and fluid loss control in pay zones of the formation during both well drilling and repair and maintenance works.
  • Conformance control with redistribution of filtration flows in injection wells with carbonate and sandstone reservoirs.
  • Killing of the wells with Abnormally Low Formation Pressure (ALFP) and Abnormally High Formation Pressure (AHFP).

Appearance at 20 °С White fiber 
Melting point, °C,
within the range 
Fiber diameter
according to the grade,
Fiber length*, mm   6.50±0.15 
*Fiber length can be varied in accordance with customer’s demand against the request. 

Customer Benefits

  • Compatibility with all types of brines, acidic compositions and formation fluids.
  • Compatibility with drilling tools and bottomhole assembly.
  • Wide application temperature ranges. 
  • The product is a bio-degradable safe-applicable material.
  • The product is completely degradable with providing complete conductivity recovering.
  • The product is convenient for transportation and storing including the possibility to store the product close to the treated objects. 
  • No need to keep tank farm for storing of the product.  
  • Incoming inspection of the product is easy to perform.
  • The product has low consumption.

Process Technique

Working solutions are prepared by mixturing of EXTELINT® with technological fluids in technological vessels.

Consumption rate of EXTELINT® depends on the purpose of application and on  geological characteristics and  technical parameters of the wells to be treated. 

To select the optimal design of application and consumption rates of the product it is recommended to contact the specialists of Sales & Service Department of Polyex Company.


EXTELINT® is delivered in polypropylene bags with polyethylene liners, in fiber drums with polyethylene liners.

It is possible to pack EXTELINT® in standard big-bags.

By the customer’s request other waterproof packing is possible. 

The product is certified for the application in oil-and-gas industry. 

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