Acid stimulation fluid FLUXOCORE® 210 grades O / R

Acid stimulation fluid for oil & gas production wells FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and grade R

TU 2122-075-53501222-2009

Acid fluids FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and FLUXOCORE® 210 grade R are used for the  stimulation of oil & gas production wells with carbonate reservoirs and clayey sandstone reservoirs with low permeability as well as for acidizing with the large amounts of acidic composition.

Acid stimulation fluids FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and grade R are HCl-based compositions with a special complex of surfactants, highly effective additives and inhibitors.

Application Area of FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and FLUXOCORE® 210 grade R 
  • Fresh well completion after drilling operations in carbonate and sandstone reservoirs; switching into other production horizons and well development after conservation and temporary non-operation.
  • Acidic fracturing with flow-diverting emulsion containing emulsifier EKS-EM®/ EMITRIT®.
  • Stimulation of oil and gas recovery in production wells with water cut up to 60 %, which have reduced productivity due to precipitation of non-organic type and due to oil-in-water emulsion forming.

Acid stimulation fluid FLUXOCORE® 210 grade O and grade R can be used for highly drowned oil and gas production wells (watering level higher than 70 %) after temporary blockage of high-permeability zones via prior injection of hydrocarbon emulsions with emulsifiers EKS-EM®(for formation temperatures under 70 °C) / EMITRIT® (for formation temperatures under 100 °C).

In case the level of watecut is 80-90 % the blockage of water influx into the well can be performed with the sediment forming composition EMCO / TAMOLEX®. After water influx blockage well acidizing with FLUXOCORE® 210 grade O and grade R compounds is performed.

Grade FLUXOCORE® 210 
       grade O
                        FLUXOCORE® 210
                                 grade R


Transparent liquid, varying  from colourless to brown

Mass concentration of HCl acid, %,
within the range of



Specific gravity at 20 °C, g/cm3,
within the range of



St3 steel corrosion rate at 20 °C,
g/m2*h, not more than



Customer Benefits of FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and FLUXOCORE® 210 grade R 

  • Low reaction speed for carbonates which provides deep  penetration into the reservoir.
  • Stabilizing of iron ions in dissolved state on dissolving iron-bearing rocks and precipitates.
  • Effective prevention of forming trice oil-and-acid emulsions with high-viscosity.
  • High permeability in rock porous area of the reservoir due to low oil-water interfacial tension, high surface activity.
  • High dissolving power for the salts.
  • High dispersive power for asphalt, paraffin and resin  deposits.
  • Low corrosion activity.
  • High dispersive power for clays.
Process Technique of FLUXOCORE® 210 grade О and FLUXOCORE® 210 grade R 

Acid stimulation fluid FLUXOCORE® 210 grade O is supplied in the concentrated form. The working solution is to be prepared at site right before the starting of operation. The usual dilution rate is 1:1. The concentrates are diluted with fresh water.

Acid stimulation fluid FLUXOCORE® 210 grade R is ready to use product.

To select the optimal design of application, i.e. consumption of Acid stimulation fluid, the technique of application, it is recommended to contact the specialists of Service & Sales Department of Polyex company.

Complex acidizing package FLUXOCORE® 210 is certified for the application in oil-and-gas field.

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